Other Resources
Below you will find a sampling of resources that we find helpful. These represent things we read, organizations we belong to, useful resources for grantseekers, and projects we’re involved in. While this list is by no means comprehensive, we want to share it so that others may access these important resources.
501 Commons (501commons.org): 501 Commons works to boost the capacity of nonprofit organizations, to help them thrive over the long-term and effectively serve the community.
AFP Advancement Northwest (afpadvancementnw.org): AFP Advancement Northwest is one of the largest Association of Fundraising Professionals chapters in the world, combining the strengths of their founding organizations: Association of Fundraising Professionals Washington and the Northwest Development Officers Association, which united in 2015.
Asset Funders Network (assetfunders.org): The Asset Funders Network is the leading national grantmaker membership organization focused on advancing equitable wealth building and economic mobility. There are about ten chapters across the country, and Medina helped launch the Puget Sound chapter.
Ben B. Cheney Foundation—Tips for Grant Seekers (benbcheneyfoundation.org/tips-for-grant-seekers/): The Cheney Foundation has put together a list of tips for grant seekers, as well as an annotated model proposal letter. While every foundation is different, and not all of these tips are applicable to every grant application, it is a great place to learn more about what to include in an initial request to a foundation.
Blue Avocado (blueavocado.org): Blue Avocado is a nonprofit online magazine for community nonprofits.
Center for Effective Philanthropy (cep.org): The Center for Effective Philanthropy seeks to influence foundations and major donors to be more effective. They have several assessments, and Medina has commissioned their Grantee Perception Report twice in the past to interview our grantees.
Chronicle of Philanthropy (philanthropy.com): The Chronicle of Philanthropy is an independent news organization serving leaders, fundraisers, grant makers, and others involved in the philanthropic enterprise.
Community-Centric Fundraising (communitycentricfundraising.org): Community-Centric Fundraising is a fundraising model that is grounded in equity and social justice and focused on advancing more equitable fundraising practices.
GrantAdvisor (grantadvisor.org): GrantAdvisor is a safe way to anonymously give feedback on funders and their grantmaking practices. Medina has a Funder Profile on the site, and we encourage organizations to give us reviews.
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (geofunders.org): GEO is a community of more than 500 funders that works to promote strategies and practices that contribute to grantee success.
Homeless Fonts (homelessfonts.org): Fonts used in pull quotes throughout this website come from Homelessfonts.org. The Arrels Foundation, in partnership with the advertising agency The Cyranos McCann created Homelessfonts.org, the first website to let you buy fonts created by homeless people. This initiative aims to bring some dignity to the lives of homeless people and raise awareness of the issue. Funds from the fonts support the Arrels Foundation’s work to help homeless individuals in Barcelona on their way to independence.
Independent Sector (independentsector.org): Independent Sector is the leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations committed to advancing the common good.
National Center for Family Philanthropy (ncfp.org): The National Center for Family Philanthropy is a membership organization that helps families who give and the staff who work with them. Their goal is to help families realize the purpose and potential of philanthropy for meaningful impact, and Medina has been a member since 2014.
Neighbor to Neighbor (seattlefoundation.org/nonprofits/neighbor-to-neighbor): Housed at the Seattle Foundation, Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) supports grassroots efforts in South Seattle, White Center, and Kent that increase the engagement, power, and influence of community members affected by poverty and racial disparities. Medina has supported N2N since 2019.
Nonprofit AF (nonprofitaf.com): Blog written by Vu Le, a writer, speaker, and the former Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps. Vu tackles issues facing nonprofits, generally with a healthy dose of humor.
Nonprofit Association of Washington (nonprofitwa.org): Formerly Washington Nonprofits, this is the statewide nonprofit association for Washington State. Their strategy is to convene a powerful network of nonprofit organizations across Washington to learn, advocate, and collaborate, so that nonprofits can achieve their missions.
Nonprofit Leaders Conference for Coastal and SW Washington (nonprofitleaders.info): The mission of the Nonprofit Leaders Conference is to strengthen rural and coastal area nonprofits. Medina is a member and contributes to the annual conference.
Othering and Belonging Institute (belonging.berkeley.edu): Led by john a. powell, the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley advances groundbreaking approaches to transforming structural marginalization and inequality. They are scholars, organizers, communicators, researchers, artists, and policymakers committed to building a world where all people belong.
PEAK Grantmaking (peakgrantmaking.org): Formerly known as the Grants Management Network, PEAK stands for Principles, Equity, Advocacy, and Knowledge, and it is a community of 6,500 grants professionals working to advance equitable, effective grantmaking practices.
Philanthropy Northwest (philanthropynw.org): Philanthropy Northwest is the network for philanthropists who are committed to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Medina was a founding member in 1976.
PolicyLink (policylink.org): Research and advocacy organization dedicated to the American nonprofit sector.
Potlatch Fund (potlatchfund.org): Potlatch Fund is a grant-making foundation and leadership development organization serving Native communities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
Puget Sound Grantwriters Association (grantwriters.org): The Puget Sound Grantwriters Association promotes responsible, effective grantseeking and fosters connections among grantseekers, non-profits and funders.
Rockwood Leadership Institute (rockwoodleadership.org): Since 2000, thousands of social change leaders have gone through Rockwood’s trainings on leadership, navigating change, deep listening, and other critical issues in the sector.
Stanford Social Innovation Review (ssir.org): Stanford Social Innovation Review works to advance, educate, and inspire the field of social innovation by seeking out, cultivating, and disseminating the best in research- and practice-based knowledge. Medina staff frequently attend the annual conference, the Nonprofit Management Institute.
Statewide Capacity Collaborative (wascc.org): Medina is a founding member of the Statewide Capacity Collaborative that serves as a hub for grantmakers in Washington to align, collaborate, and strategize on how to best strengthen and support both the capacity of nonprofits and the statewide nonprofit ecosystem.
Washington State Budget & Policy Center (budgetandpolicy.org): The Washington State Budget & Policy Center is an independent, progressive policy organization that works to create a just and prosperous state through sound research and analysis.
West Coast Poverty Center (westcoastpovertycenter.org): Through the University of Washington, the West Coast Poverty Center works to bridge the gaps between anti-poverty research, practice, and policy by connecting scholars, policymakers and practitioners; facilitating important social policy research; magnifying the reach of new knowledge; and fostering the next generation of anti-poverty scholars.
501 Commons (501commons.org): 501 Commons works to boost the capacity of nonprofit organizations, to help them thrive over the long-term and effectively serve the community.
AFP Advancement Northwest (afpadvancementnw.org): AFP Advancement Northwest is one of the largest Association of Fundraising Professionals chapters in the world, combining the strengths of their founding organizations: Association of Fundraising Professionals Washington and the Northwest Development Officers Association, which united in 2015.
Asset Funders Network (assetfunders.org): The Asset Funders Network is the leading national grantmaker membership organization focused on advancing equitable wealth building and economic mobility. There are about ten chapters across the country, and Medina helped launch the Puget Sound chapter.
Ben B. Cheney Foundation—Tips for Grant Seekers (benbcheneyfoundation.org/tips-for-grant-seekers/): The Cheney Foundation has put together a list of tips for grant seekers, as well as an annotated model proposal letter. While every foundation is different, and not all of these tips are applicable to every grant application, it is a great place to learn more about what to include in an initial request to a foundation.
Blue Avocado (blueavocado.org): Blue Avocado is a nonprofit online magazine for community nonprofits.
Center for Effective Philanthropy (cep.org): The Center for Effective Philanthropy seeks to influence foundations and major donors to be more effective. They have several assessments, and Medina has commissioned their Grantee Perception Report twice in the past to interview our grantees.
Chronicle of Philanthropy (philanthropy.com): The Chronicle of Philanthropy is an independent news organization serving leaders, fundraisers, grant makers, and others involved in the philanthropic enterprise.
Community-Centric Fundraising (communitycentricfundraising.org): Community-Centric Fundraising is a fundraising model that is grounded in equity and social justice and focused on advancing more equitable fundraising practices.
GrantAdvisor (grantadvisor.org): GrantAdvisor is a safe way to anonymously give feedback on funders and their grantmaking practices. Medina has a Funder Profile on the site, and we encourage organizations to give us reviews.
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (geofunders.org): GEO is a community of more than 500 funders that works to promote strategies and practices that contribute to grantee success.
Homeless Fonts (homelessfonts.org): Fonts used in pull quotes throughout this website come from Homelessfonts.org. The Arrels Foundation, in partnership with the advertising agency The Cyranos McCann created Homelessfonts.org, the first website to let you buy fonts created by homeless people. This initiative aims to bring some dignity to the lives of homeless people and raise awareness of the issue. Funds from the fonts support the Arrels Foundation’s work to help homeless individuals in Barcelona on their way to independence.
Independent Sector (independentsector.org): Independent Sector is the leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations committed to advancing the common good.
National Center for Family Philanthropy (ncfp.org): The National Center for Family Philanthropy is a membership organization that helps families who give and the staff who work with them. Their goal is to help families realize the purpose and potential of philanthropy for meaningful impact, and Medina has been a member since 2014.
Neighbor to Neighbor (seattlefoundation.org/nonprofits/neighbor-to-neighbor): Housed at the Seattle Foundation, Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) supports grassroots efforts in South Seattle, White Center, and Kent that increase the engagement, power, and influence of community members affected by poverty and racial disparities. Medina has supported N2N since 2019.
Nonprofit AF (nonprofitaf.com): Blog written by Vu Le, a writer, speaker, and the former Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps. Vu tackles issues facing nonprofits, generally with a healthy dose of humor.
Nonprofit Association of Washington (nonprofitwa.org): Formerly Washington Nonprofits, this is the statewide nonprofit association for Washington State. Their strategy is to convene a powerful network of nonprofit organizations across Washington to learn, advocate, and collaborate, so that nonprofits can achieve their missions.
Nonprofit Leaders Conference for Coastal and SW Washington (nonprofitleaders.info): The mission of the Nonprofit Leaders Conference is to strengthen rural and coastal area nonprofits. Medina is a member and contributes to the annual conference.
Othering and Belonging Institute (belonging.berkeley.edu): Led by john a. powell, the Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley advances groundbreaking approaches to transforming structural marginalization and inequality. They are scholars, organizers, communicators, researchers, artists, and policymakers committed to building a world where all people belong.
PEAK Grantmaking (peakgrantmaking.org): Formerly known as the Grants Management Network, PEAK stands for Principles, Equity, Advocacy, and Knowledge, and it is a community of 6,500 grants professionals working to advance equitable, effective grantmaking practices.
Philanthropy Northwest (philanthropynw.org): Philanthropy Northwest is the network for philanthropists who are committed to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Medina was a founding member in 1976.
PolicyLink (policylink.org): Research and advocacy organization dedicated to the American nonprofit sector.
Potlatch Fund (potlatchfund.org): Potlatch Fund is a grant-making foundation and leadership development organization serving Native communities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.
Puget Sound Grantwriters Association (grantwriters.org): The Puget Sound Grantwriters Association promotes responsible, effective grantseeking and fosters connections among grantseekers, non-profits and funders.
Rockwood Leadership Institute (rockwoodleadership.org): Since 2000, thousands of social change leaders have gone through Rockwood’s trainings on leadership, navigating change, deep listening, and other critical issues in the sector.
Stanford Social Innovation Review (ssir.org): Stanford Social Innovation Review works to advance, educate, and inspire the field of social innovation by seeking out, cultivating, and disseminating the best in research- and practice-based knowledge. Medina staff frequently attend the annual conference, the Nonprofit Management Institute.
Statewide Capacity Collaborative (wascc.org): Medina is a founding member of the Statewide Capacity Collaborative that serves as a hub for grantmakers in Washington to align, collaborate, and strategize on how to best strengthen and support both the capacity of nonprofits and the statewide nonprofit ecosystem.
Washington State Budget & Policy Center (budgetandpolicy.org): The Washington State Budget & Policy Center is an independent, progressive policy organization that works to create a just and prosperous state through sound research and analysis.
West Coast Poverty Center (westcoastpovertycenter.org): Through the University of Washington, the West Coast Poverty Center works to bridge the gaps between anti-poverty research, practice, and policy by connecting scholars, policymakers and practitioners; facilitating important social policy research; magnifying the reach of new knowledge; and fostering the next generation of anti-poverty scholars.